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This page is about my books available online.

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There is a process going on. It has been going on for a long time and will continue for a long time.
IT is everything from the tiniest to the largest of things. Everything is IT. This includes you. You are, just as everything else is, unavoidably IT. We are in the privileged position of being matter that is or has become conscious. Some tiny parts of the universal oneness have started to contemplate. We have begun to fathom the cosmos using our sciences and have come astonishingly far. But possibly there is more on offer to us than just the fascination of the sciences of the objective. Maybe there is a great deal to gain form the sciences of the subjective, and maybe both can offer us a way to live in bliss.

Includes many full colour plates of IT.

For all ages

Order the book on Amazon

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It is Liverpool 1889, one year after the Jack the Ripper murders, and a surreal chain of events leads inspector Gabriel Pilgrim deep into an disorientating world of illusion. His obsession with a band of decadent and diabolical criminals drags him further and further into the dangerous domain of The Devil's Workshop.

Warning: contains scenes of a sexual and or violent nature!

For adults only! Only for the over 18s !


Order the book on Amazon


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Arthur Patterson was fifty-nine years old. He was senior manager at the Brampton’s main post office. He was a keen golfer, a reliable and patient man, treasurer of Brampton’s Welfare for those in need charity, and had just acquired the extra string of being dead to the bow of his existential (now none existential) experience.

Arthur Patterson was about to be judged. The positive and negative sands of all his years of experience were, at this moment, being metaphorically shoveled onto a great allegorical scale, to be carefully examined, cross referenced and symbolically laid under the magnifying glass of figurative, pedantic scrutiny, in order to produce the judgment that would seal the fate of his eternal soul…for ever.

The waiting was dreadful!

Deciding to make a complaint of his own Arthur manages to eventually get his complaint heard by God itself...with unexpected results.
A lighthearted and comical tale dealing with "the greater questions" of life. One mans chance to redress the balance, to have a hand in the final battle between good and evil, to strive for fairness in a seemingly unfair world. One mans attempt to get a bit of peace...and maybe a really nice cup of tea!
Quirky and typically English Heaven on Earth is a raucous roller-coaster ride of hilarity...or at worst a good laugh every now and again.


Warning: contains scenes with flaming aerial vegetables!

Not only for adults


Now available on Amazon

Also available for Kindel

Also, there are two books available from Gary Stevens my brilliant nephew (I mean they are all brilliant, but this one has written two books.

Links to the books are below:



F*CKING FOCUS: The ultimate no fuss guide to overcoming fear, reducing doubt, building positive routines and finally achieving your goals!


Originally written as a textbook to support those to achieve a qualification and Leadership and Management, The Fundamentals of Good Leadership has been re-written for anyone interested in leading people. It is a no nonsense guide to becoming a good leader and understanding how the environment, leadership styles and teams can impact ones ability to lead effectively.

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