Hello there.
Just another short blog to say that I have uploaded a video of a reading from the new book- The Beautiful Illusion.
The book is available on Amazon.
You can go to the website page BOOKS to go directly to Amazon to order a copy.
Alternatively there is a link below to the Amazon side for UK/ USA and Germany.
As always, a LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and SHARE would be greatly appreciated for the music as well as the books.
On the music front- the new track, which was to be called Trust, had been renamed to Loving Is Free.
This is one of the track to which we will have to do a video. It's so nice it deserves one. I think you are going to like it. I love it and have been playing it to death around the flat.
So, that's something to look forward to.
Back to the book briefly. It is not a fictional work. This one is more about my thoughts on the nature of reality and how to live in a state of peace, so it sort of talks about a perspective on reality and uses this as a basis, but then goes on to explain how, through really simple meditation techniques, you can develop or uncover the sense of peace that you always have in you. Yes, even you!
It's a very short read- only about 100 pages and 10 of those are pictures. So, it's not heavy and difficult to understand stuff.
That was sort of the point, to make it simple and easily available to everyone.
Thanks for your support!!
The Beautiful Illusion on Amazon.
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