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Call Me

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens


So, Call Me or Not The doors.

Having finished the last track Give My Regards To Love, the James Bond theme cum Doors song, none of which was intentional when it was written. It's just the way stuff comes out.

It was quite fun though letting my inner Jim out and I thought it would be funny to write a Doors style song. Not just cover a Doors song, but write one in the style of The Doors.

So, this would be a homage/ persiflage on The Doors.

Now, as you can tell, I am no Ray Manzarek, Robbie Krieger, John Densmore and I certainly ain't no Jim Morrison, so it was going to be tricky.

I had a bit of guitar with a riff in the program, so I decided to go with that. It's just a three chord bash really, but it was a good basis. I began throwing some bass on it, looping that and a guitar riff.

That was fine but no I realised (as I often do when I'm just playing with stuff in the program and it begins to take on form) that I needed a structure. And structure, for me, comes through lyrics.

All I had was the line Don't call me when you get home. This was before I thought about trying to write a Doors song.

I thought- well, Jim would have been more positive and said call me, as opposed to don't. Also, home, for him, would have a whole new meaning. He would be talking about the home afterwards, the spiritual home, the home beyond death.

That was a good starting point for a typical Doors motif. It was a lot easier from then on. Now it was just finding lyrics that spoke of being reunited after death.

Of course, it's The Doors, there would have to be some ritual, mystic and shamanistic references and stuff. So, I threw in the poem piece at the the end being read out in a Morrisonesque style to the sung parts. Also, I wanted a bit of surreal poetry for the end something akin to "If all all else fails we can whip the horses eyes, and make him sleep and cry." Something that Daniel Dennet would describe as a deepity, a phrase that sounds profound whilst , not necessarily, having any deeper meaning.

Now there is nothing wrong with writing things that sound profound but aren't. I do it a lot, the Beatles certainly did. Bowie did it all the time. Something that is, to all intents and purposes, totally meaningless, can still mean something to someone.

It's a matter of interpretation. That's art for you. After you finish a piece, whatever it is, and put it out there, it is no longer yours. People will put their own stamp on it. It's best to just leave it and let it be.

You can think of dozens of songs that are in this vein, Hotel California for example.

I eventually came up with- No hand can still the wind with freedom unbound and liberated from its dismal cage. Sounds quite important and maybe it is to someone.

I gave my best Morrisonesque voice both regarding the singing and the writing.

I did a bit of Robbie-like slide guitar and you will catch bits of Doors type riffs in there like Light My Fire and so on. Again I would dearly have loved to be capable of doing a Manzarek organ solo, but I ain't no keyboard player. Even the guitarists amongst you will be cringing at the guitar solo. Good that I don't give a fuck isn't it?!

No video to this either. But I didn't want to just do something meaningless. So, I went with the idea of that series of black and white photos that became so popular and got turned into teenage idol posters for the walls of every fan, and gave Morrison his place in our cultural memory as this immortal Adonis.

Oh yes, I immortal Adonis- That's me! Not!

So, of course, I couldn't resist not taking that very seriously either, as you can see.

All in all the whole idea and project was fun to do.

I might try something like that again in other styles. Who knows? I don't!

Jim may though!

Hope you have a fantastic weekend. Be safe. Have fun.


Oh, lyrics are on the screen so no lyrics here!

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The video can also be found on my website on the music page.

You can also follow me/us on the blog where you can also find the lyrics to the track and some more background info:





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