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Give my regards to love!

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

Those will eagle eyes and the ears of an owl, the nose of an Ocelot, the feet of a marmoset, the little bit just after the loin, but not yet really the thigh, of a manatee, will have noticed that a new track has arrived.

I'm afraid (I'm not really afraid, that's just a phrase!) that there is no "proper" video (again) for this one. But, it's all about the music!

So, the track started as a melody in my gourd, bonce, cabbage, head that I just quickly hummed into my phone.

After I got home, I started finding the chords and the more I played it, the more it sounded like a Bond theme. I could hear the Bond music in the background.

I went for a walk and thought, I've got to keep that tune in my head, so I needed a phrase or title. I kept humming the tune until I came up with something that rhymed, so I could remember it. It was, I suppose, a bit like McCartney singing "Scrambled eggs" to what became Yesterday- "Scrambled eggs. Oh, my baby she's got lovely legs."

So, the phrase was give my regards to love, Now it definitely sounded like a Bond theme, in fact, it sounded like a Bond title. So convinced was I that I had heard it before that I Googled it, but it wasn't. What I thought was a Bond title was Give my regards to Broad Street by McCartney. But give my regards to love didn't exist.

Anyway, as I set up the program to start recording, it was still titled Bond theme.

I really wanted it to be a Bond theme, with strings and maybe even the Bond musical phrases. You know the ones.

The lyrics began to flow, like they do, and it became a story of a person telling someone to tell love not to bother with him. He had payed his debts and owed love nothing and she should leave him alone thanks.

He now only walks in daylight, "because the night is a place for love".

He doesn't want to walk by the light of the moon anymore, because moonlight is romantic and he no longer has romantic aspirations.

I suspect, that this a little bit of me and my position. I have no interest in romantic love anymore. I have no need or aspirations to love anyone romantically any longer.

I think of Good Will Hunting and the scene where Will asks the therapist Sean (Robin Williams), if he has considered finding a new wife, as his has died of cancer.

Sean responds with "my wife is dead."

Will: "yeah, that's why I said a new one!"

Sean responds with "my wife is dead", making it clear that she was his wife and his only wife. This is kind of the situation I find myself in. So, there is, as always, that autobiographical element to the song.

Anyway, as the recording started and I had the lyrics and began to sing them, I realise I had to sing quite deeply, as you can hear. And the more that went on, the more it began to sound like The Doors and Morrison. I began to remind me of Doors tracks like You're lost little girl and Blue Sunday. The more I sang, the more I crooned.

Tickled by this, somewhat, I though, go with it, and even included a Morrisonesque

"play it brother" before the guitar riff. This was nicked from The Soft Parade album and the track Touch Me.

I do that sometimes, you will find little bits in the songs that are homages to other artists. The growl that Bowie does on Ashes to Ashes appears in two of my tracks, see if you can spot them!

So, now the track needed a Manzarek organ part. I am no Ray Manzarek, which you have probably noticed, by the name difference alone, so I did my best, but I was not going to be able to do a groovy Manzarek keyboard bit. I had to settle for a Krieger guitar part, simple but sweet.

I did my best!

So, that's the track Give My Regards To Love.

I hope you like it.


Lyrics are below and you can drag this in Google translate to turn it in to whatever language you fancy by pressing the photo at the bottom (not of my bottom!)





Give My Regards To Love

Give my regards to love.

I'm sure I'll never pass this way again. And if she asks you why.

Tell her I'm hurt enough, when I did what I did for love.

And should you see the moon.

Tell her, she'll not see my face too soon.

She used to light our way.

But I've retired to the day, 'cause the night is a place for love.

Her mystic charms may enchant me.

Her gentle arms may grant me,

eternal joys but I see

nothing but doubt and pain.

So, give my regards to love.

Tell her all of my debts are paid. So, if she should come for me.

Tell her I'd rather be all alone and be free from love.

Her secret kiss enthralls me.

But, her careless sting appalls me.

Though her siren tongue may call me.

It calls through a blood-red rain.

So, give my regards to love.

Tell her all of my debts are paid. So, if she should come for me.

Tell her I'd rather be all alone and be free from love.

Give my regards to love.

I'm sure I'll never pass this way again. And if she asks you why.

Tell her I'm hurt enough, when I did what I did for love.

<Go to Google translate



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