Yeah, go on, tell why it's so hard!!
I have no idea!

Why Is It So Hard? Is another one
with both of us.
The song started as just the three chords you hear at the beginning, which, incidentally, remind me of No Gold In The Kingdom Of Heaven, which was not intentional.
Anyway, I was just playing with those three chords. It stayed as an idea on my phone for a while and then one night we had listened to something by Fleetwood Mac.
The next time I returned to the three chords, they started sounding like something from Fleetwood Mac.
So, I thought I would go with that and started writing something down. the more I wrote the more it sounded like a homage to Fleetwood Mac.
The three chords were getting a bit stale and I thought it needed a lift. so then the rocky break appeared. I thought I would repeat this at the end and dial it up a bit. That chord progression started reminding me of The Chain, I think you can probably hear it in the last part. Every time we hear it we keep singing "running in the shadows".
So, the whole thing became a homage to Fleetwood Mac. This was apt as Christine McVie had dies not too long before.
The opening lines- All the things you own end up owning you, are also on the Bombs And Bread video, where there is some graffiti on the wall that says the same, and I am sure you have heard it before. So that become the starting point.
From there on it became a song about loss and losing a relationship, things generally falling apart and one not being able to put them back together, although wishing you could because life it too short for that kind of shit.....but it's so hard isn't it?
Why? Why is it so hard?
I have no idea, but it often is. The thing is though, maybe it's worth trying to sort it out and starting over, because at one point it was good enough to start a relationship, and so maybe it's worth finding it again.
Who knows?
I don't. I'm just some scummy song writer who doesn't know Jack Shit.
Anyway, hope you like ht track. the video drove me mad and took way too long, so it has a lag on the video in some places.Sorry about that, but I just wanted to get the song out and that's the most important part, for me at least.
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