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And so the little squirrels golden slippers turned to mush

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

Hello again.

Well, due to Covid and all that nonsense, we are unable to get out and do the videos we would like to do at the moment.

It's frustrating as hell, but that's fascist tyranny for you.

In the meantime though I have done a video for a track I already had finished.

The track is called Raining Rubies and is about the avenue I grew up on which is pictured to the right. That first house on the left was the house in which I was born. I mean that literally, I was born in the front room of that house.

The road looked more or less as in the top photo in the 60s.

However, Childwall Avenue, that was the name of the street, isn't just the place I grew up with all the happy memories of youth, it is the place we all grew up. It's all of those memories and years that seem to fade away so fast and too fast.

The video is a collage or collection of photos from the Stevens family album, but they might as well be anyone's family album. We all know those kind of photos of our families and so I hope the video won't just be a video of my family, but of all your families too and all your memories.

It's a cliche to say "kids would have no idea about how hard life was then", but the place I grew up and the times I grew up in were nowhere near as cushy as these days- no heating, ice on the INSIDE of the bedroom windows in winter, outside toilets, a tin bath on a weekend for all three boys filled with water heated in pans on the stove, a real fireplace which was a real pain in the arse to light on the cold mornings, getting coal in from the yard, blackouts and candles and so on. And yet life was easy and happy, at least for the kids.

I know that there are plenty of others of my generation, whether in England or in Germany and probably other countries, who had a similar childhood. I think we all treasure it now....much too late.

Enjoy Raining Rubies.

As usual LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT. Pass the music around.

The lyrics are below and the video is on Youtube and Bitchute and we are also on Instagram under

Thanks for your interest.

Raining Rubies

Looking down on to streets and the roofs of houses where I spent my youth,

it is strange to think that's where I come from.

And it hurts to think back and remember all the things that I knew then, never knowing that they'd fade away so fast.

Give me Childwall Avenue. Give me one more time to see these things as new.

Now it's raining rubies.

Oh, this mind can be a curse when it opens up the flood gate to my thoughts,

and it's hard to take pleasure in what comes.

All the faces I knew then each one the woven carpet of a life,

but the threads always seem to fall apart.

Give me Childwall Aveue. Give me bonfire nights and the happiness I knew.

Oh, now it's raining rubies.

And as I hang my head t cry, the bloody tears I weep will pain my memories sky.

And it's raining rubies.

All these years hove gone so fast, I turn my heand and now I'm 34

and those days seem to blur before my eyes.

But I stop now and then to take the time to play back all my past

and return with an ache at memories door.

Give me Childwall Aveue. Let me go back there and start this life anew.

Oh, now it's raining rubies.

Give me Childwall Aveue. Give me back my youth and the happiness I knew.

Oh, now it's raining rubies.

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