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Beautiful Mind

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

The fantastic team for the video of the track Beautiful Mind.

Many, many thanks to Naomi, Melina, Izzy, Simon and the fantastic Nicole Merkes.

You were all brilliant!

Ok, so the track is called Beautiful Mind.

It is an original Robert Stevens track. All rights belong to R. Stevens 2022.

It was another song inspired by Trish. However, I didn't want to make another Trish video so I thought about how I could make a video that was personal but not in that way.

I had the idea to do a Chinese whispers type thing with the message being handed on to the next person. It was also inspired by the videos on Youtube "something beautiful project" (have a look at that) and the " Eye contact with strangers" videos.

All people have something beautiful and when we look into the eyes of another we see ourselves reflected back at us.

Ms Merkes helped to work out how it could best be done, worked out the shots for the camera and did the camera work. Thank you Nicole again!!

Thank you to Dominik for the use of the room! Hope Nik enjoys the video.

Then we got a bunch of Naomi's friends together.

I also wanted to add another aspect. seeing as it is about communication between people, so I tired to learn the ASL for the two most used lines- "Your beautiful mind attracts me" and "You came from another world". I had the help of a friend who translates sign. The others had not seen the signs they were going to do, which gave us beautiful moments of laughter.

Staring into the eyes of someone, even if you know them, is also tougher than it looks. Try it!

There will be an outtakes video coming as there were so many nice moments of screwing it up.

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All of this is a matter of a mouse click and helps us out enormously!

The lyrics are on the video, so I won't bore you with them here.

And as always there is a Google translate picture below for those who do not read English well.

We live in horrible times of great polarity. Regardless of the topic, it seems that more and more of us are falling for an "Us and Them" mentality.

There is no US and THEM.

You will never agree with everybody and that is fine. Sometimes we will have to agree to disagree.

Because you don't see eye-to-eye with someone on one topic does not mean that their entire character should be called into question. An opinion is only an opinion and offense is not given it is taken.

If you don't like an opinion you are allowed to offer your own.

If an agreement can't be met that is ok. Then accept that the other has an opinion different to yours. Why is that a problem?

More important than that is that all people are people and there is always a beauty lurking within us all. Offer openness and trust and , more often than not, you will receive openness and trust in return.

Be lovely to each other- people you know and those you don't!

< Go to Google translate



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