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Being happy was easy

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

Here's the promised video for the track

Being happy was easy.

It was a hot day and so the perfect opportunity to get out to the river and shoot the video.

It was shot with a 16mm filter to give it that nice old-school look.

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This one is another Stevenstevens thingy. Naomi is on the vocals on this one too.

The lyrics (as always) are below with a link to Google translate.

The video can be viewed on Bitchute:

and here on the music side of the site

and on Fascisttube:

I'm quite proud of this one. I love the feel of it and the lyrics. It has a nice sound reminiscent of some Paul Weller stuff (I'm thinking Pebbles on a beach).

I suppose it's essentially about looking back on good times and enjoying the memory, but at the same time being sad that you can't return to enjoy them again.

"long ago it must be, I have a photograph. Preserve your memories, they're all that's left you" Paul Simon.

We have to let memories go and much as it is wonderful to recall them, they are gone.

It's often only then do we realise how precious they are and how this archive of memories defines us.

It was recorded quite quickly, took me a couple of days.

I already had a sketch of the chord sequence on my phone and then banged down the lyrics in one go, which took maybe an hour or so.

So, a relativity quick song to produce, but with a nice feel to it.

We had a nice day again on the river Ruhr aback the house in the heat and later the lovely summer rain.

I and we hope you enjoy the track.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wish you all health and contentment.

Love Rob and Nom

Being happy was easy

An original song by Robert Stevens and Naomi Stevens.

Written and performed by R. Stevens and N. Stevens copyright 2021.

All rights belong to R. Stevens 2021.


Being happy was easy

I took some time and I thought of you

You know I haven't been back there for so long.

I sat right down and recalled all the time we had

Nothing ever seemed wrong there and you know.

I'd do it al again, those where the best times of my life.

I wouldn't change a thing, cause being happy was easy.

I still remember how I held you so close to me

and felt the way that you swayed there in my hands.

I took a breath and the feeling was agony

I want those times to be back now but I know

That time marches on, and waits for no one.

What's been and gone is gone

but being happy was easy.

Being happy was easy

And I want to go back there.

And I want to go back there

Here on the opposite side of time

There's nothing that I can do to catch it back.

But every one of those memories is mine.

They define who I am yeah and I'm glad

To have had all those times.

I wouldn't change them for all the gold in the world

cause life was better then

And being happy was easy.

Being happy was easy.

I and I want to go back there.

I and I want to go back there.

I and I want to go back there.

I and I want to go back there.

< Go to Google translate



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