AAAAnd finally!!
Bittersweet the video is done!
Yes way!
It really was a long wait and lot of a pain in the backside.
We didn't quite get the weather we wanted, but you have to make do when the Devil vomits on your bed sheets. It got done and that's the main thing.
So, to the track.
It was written a while ago now and was inspired by Nom's break-up with a lad she was seeing who let her down badly (twice), which angered me more than a little. In response, I penned this track. It was recorded and has been lying there for a few months awaiting the video.
I had the idea that I wanted to do a kind of story video (like videos from the 80's) and I wanted a Blade Runner style to it complete with replicants and a 1930's film noir feel.
It was shot in Essen Steele which, as you can see, has some really nice old cobbled streets and a fantastic church. This was to go along with the 80s style electronic
Euro-trash beat of the song and the darkish narrative.
I do the only rapping you will hear from me ever (I promise).
It was a cold night and poor Nom had to tramp around in stilettos with no socks on. She got a blister and was freezing, but she braved it out and did a smashing job putting up with her dad's insane ideas. (Thanks babe. You're ACE...I'll smoke you a kipper!)
I had to edit the video entirely twice because I screwed up the first cut. But that's Hollywood.
For a daft little amateur film with no equipment I am quite pleased with the result.
It was a lot of effort and I hope you like it!
Other news
The video for The Pool Of Life (a lyrics video only) is now on Youtube or here on the website, as are all the videos from me and us, under MUSIC.
As I said in the last blog, if and when we get over to Liverpool we will make a video in and of the city which will explain some of the places and references. That won't be for a long time though because of the virus which shall not be named!
Back to Bittersweet: "But Rob," ( I hear you wail in anguish-ridden anticipation...or was it boredom? Yeah, I think it was boredom. Looked like anguish-ridden anticipation from this angle!)...anyway... "But Rob, when is it going to go on Youtube? I simply can't hold my pee in any longer!
Well, thing is, Nom hasn't even seen it yet, so she gets the first look. If she gives it the okay, I will put it up toward the end of the week!
So, there's something to look forward to just before the weekend.
Cross your legs and think of England! Aren't you chuffed? (Or is it tedium? Yeah, it's tedium! Sorry, I'm going to have to move somewhere else this angle is shit!).
I'll pop a blog up to tell you when it's on though!

As usual. give us a helping hand by LIKING, SUBSCRIBING, SHARING and by telling us what you think via a COMMENT.
All of that is free and genuinely helps.
One more thing (honestly). There are two new books on the books page of the website. They are not by me, but rather written by my nephew Gary Stevens. You can order them on Amazon for your Kindle should you have one. I do and I have them!
They are both aimed at self improvement and self betterment. Well worth the small expense and a good read.
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