Hiya folks!!! Well, I'm back again.
It's been a fair bit of time again, but we just haven't been able to do the videos the way we wanted.
So, in the meantime i recorded and old track called BOMBS AND BREAD.
As you can probably ascertain from the mock Jamie Reid like cover- it's a bit punky!
Ok, so the song is from the mid nineties. The theme was probably a left over from my annoyance at the Iraq bullshit that Blair (the twat) and Bush (the bastard) got us in to.
The bombs part is pretty obvious. The bread is money, but also the pathetic humanitarian aide we always seem to end up having to do after we are finished with bombing the living shit out of people. This goes for any war anywhere. There are no good wars and every country has at some point been guilty.

It's also about the complacency some people have, and to an extent we all have, when it comes to damage being done oversees.
"What's it to do with me if one kid's shooting at another for the sake of his shoes?" and "I shouldn't have to worry till they're knocking on my door!".
The original opening lyric was "I hope you are sitting comfortably, them we'll begin." It was supposed to be like children's story time. When it came to recording though, I realised that this is not a comfortable topic at all, and so the lyric was changed to- "I hope you are sitting uncomfortably, then we'll begin." This was much more to the point.
The video was a 3 hour job and was shot at on the campus of the RUB (Ruhr University of Bochum) because of it's wonderful dystopian charm. It fitted perfectly. You might recognise some of the brutalist architecture from the video Don't Ask for Much.

Again Nicole Merkes did the camera work and appears in the video. She is in her element in this one!!! Thank you Nicole again.
The shoot was straight forward- just jumping about like a dick really. I hate doing videos, but I don't mind if the result fits the track.
Unfortunately, it appears our bloody horrendous leaders are at it again. They are dragging us into new conflicts where they can, and are, making a fucking fortune selling weapons. It never stops does it? The same old bullshit again and again.
This time though they are looking to implement a permanent state of emergency for prolonged control over EVERYBODY. It's quite sickening! As usual the lyrics are below and there is the usual button to go directly to Google translate for those who need it.
Be nice to each other. Rebel in the best way you can against the current tyranny!
All of the very best of luck from me and us!!!
Bombs and Bread
I hope you're sitting uncomfortably, then we'll begin.
The reaper's exercising his natural talents again.
All those annoying reports on the nightly news.
What's it to do with me if one kid's shooting at another for the sake of his shoes?
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread. What's in your head?
Bombs and bread.
There's some kind of a racket out there i the east.
A monster looms on it folk like something getting ready for a feast.
If they want him out, they've got the right to a vote.
But it's a hard thing getting to the ballot box when some rabid animal
is jumping at your throat.
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread. What's in your head?
Bombs and bread.
Taxes, taxes, everything is taxes. And every fired weapon costs a little more of my
taxes, taxes, democracy relaxes.
I shouldn't have to worry till they're knocking on my door!
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread. What's in your head?
Bombs and bread.
Taxes, taxes, everything is taxes. And every fired weapon costs a little more of my
taxes, taxes, democracy relaxes.
I shouldn't have to worry till they're knocking on my door!
Bombs and bread. Better stoke up the war machines.
Bombs and bread. Show them what a disaster means.
Bring out your dead and give them bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread. La Mort is piping out a melody.
Bombs and bread. A fanfare for the catastrophe.
What's in their heads?
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and bread.
Bombs and......
< Go to Google translate