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Castles in the sky

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

Castles in the sky- is another older song.

The theme is both my grievances with others as well as myself. No one particular was in mind. It's more about the general attitude of having great schemes and ideas that aren't followed through.

I am as guilty of this as anyone, although I have bettered myself immensely in the intervening years. In fact, I consider myself to be quite disciplined and steadfast these days. If I say I am going to do something then, generally, I do it and have little patience for myself making excuses or finding ways out of it.

The song was written though many moons ago when I was not like this generally speaking.

I would annoy myself with the (too many) ideas I had and my inability to follow through on them. This changed though with one huge move in my life and since then I have gradually gotten better at sticking to things.

I hate this lethargy in myself and, nowadays, do many things deliberately to force myself out of my comfort zone. This is a version of the David Goggings- do something everyday that sucks idea. And so becoming disciplined has become a way of life.

Knowing that it is possible makes me impatient with the excuses that others make about having not done the things they wanted to do, be it getting fit or losing weight, making excuses for never writing that book that they always wanted to write or learning an instrument or whatever else.

You have to dedicate time and effort to something you want to do. It won't do itself and excuses are cheap.

If you aren't motivated to take the time for the thing , then you aren't passionate enough about it!

Naomi will recall me bugging her with "time is something you make".

If you want to write a book, get up early in the morning and write before work or, instead of coming home and melting in front of the TV on the sofa, go and write a few paragraphs.

If you can't be bothered then the book was never that important and you will never write it. If that is the case then stop telling the story of how you always wanted to write a book- You didn't! If you wanted to, you would have done it.

There will be no time to do it when you are dead, so do it now or admit that you are too weak and undisciplined.

That sounds a bit callous, but it's just the plain and simple truth, the same plain and simple truth I use on myself.

I am often unmotivated, too tiered, too disillusioned to sit down and write or record or do a video or meditate or whatever else, but as soon as I have that felling that is the very thing that makes me get up and do it.

It is the hatred of that feeling that makes me get up and the passion for the thing itself.

You can make routines and habits, so do it!!

Enjoy the suck :))

Really, though- You can change patterns of behavior and get the things done you wanted to do, honestly. Go for it!

If you like the song and/or the video please take the ten seconds it takes to LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT. This helps us out enormously and is FREE! The video can also be found on my website on the music page. You can also follow me/us on the blog where you can also find the lyrics to the track and some more background info:






Castles in the sky

Why don't you get down off your pedestal?

You raise yourself up much too high.

And I know just what you really are, you're all castles in the sky.

Castles in the sky.

Castles in the sky.

And if you're trying to impress, my friend, with the lies that you create,

Well instead of getting sympathy, all you'll get is hate.

All you'll get is hate,

All you'll get is hate.

And I know what you're trying to do.

I can see your wicked plan.

And I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking I'm a lesser man!

You build a barrier of confidence.

I could destroy it with a blow,

and expose just what you really are and you don't even know.

You don't even know.

You don't even know.

And I know what you're trying to do.

I can see your wicked plan.

And I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking I'm a lesser man!

Why don't you get down off your pedestal?

You raise yourself up much too high.

And I know just what you really are, you're all castles in the sky.

Castles in the sky.

Castles in the sky

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