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Celtic Rites book cover

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

So, this is sort of where the cover of Celtic Rites is going. It's only a sketch and will be changed of course. But I think it's sort of going in the right direction.

I used to read a lot of Tom Sharpe books, one of the few authors I might add that used to make me laugh out loud. I loved the covers that had been illustrated by Paul Sample. They just summed the book up perfectly. So, I'm thinking of trying to get more of the manic happenings in the story into the illustration. The sketch here is a bit too...serene. the book is a lot more chaotic.

I don't know, I'll have to see. I don't know how to fit all the other bits in. But that's what illustration is about. It's finding a way to represent something.

Other news: The video, a slap-dash affair, for Drive-by Love is finished and on Youtube.

You can also view it here on the music page under My Projects.

Like I said, don't expect too much from the video. It is just a collage of USA footage. The main thing was that the song had a face, something to look at.

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In the meantime, have a good weekend folks. Be productive and content.

Love Rob

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