Well, we hope you enjoyed the "How we make a video" video and the outtakes.
I am currently working on editing the proper music video to Screaming Down The Wind. I'm pretty much finished but we still have to do some work on the actual track and then make sure that it fits with the video.
I'm hoping that I'll be able to upload it before next weekend.
The video was fun to do, if a lot of hard work. We got there early so as to avoid crowds.
The place we were filming gets really full on the weekends, especially when the sun is out.
We had lots of waiting to do whilst people wandered about in the shot, some of them deliberately hanging around for a myriad of reasons. So, although the place looks empty on the video , it was quite full and it was only down to our skill and expertise that we got it looking deserted.
The dare-devil stunt from the top of the blast furnace (pictured above) was genuine by the way. There was no other way of getting the shot apart from to, well, hang off a blast furnace a hundred feet in the air.
Naomi was freaking out and had to film the shot with her eyes closed.
Many thanks go out to Nicole, by the way, for taking part in such a mad venture and sacrificing her Saturday to this silly escapade. It was a long and arduous day, so we were very grateful. And she made a good hunter!

I hope it give a slight insight into the amount of effort, that goes into creating a song and then a video, or was, at least a bit interesting.
I will, of course, let you know when the video has been uploaded and there will be another blog post to go with it.
That then will be the end of the series culminating in the video itself.
Again, the videos are just for fun (even id a lot of effort goes into them. The most important part, for me at least, is the music. The videos are merely a means of transport for the songs, so I hope more than liking the videos, you like the songs.
I keep skipping from genre to genre, and will continue to do so. The next one could be a ballad or a rock opera number.
Actually, I have had an idea, and one in which YOU can take part.
But I'll tell you about that later.
In the meantime- have a great rest of the week.
Be content and stay happy and healthy.
As usual- LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE the videos around, post them on Facebook or wherever so that others can watch them too.
Comment if you feel inclined to do so.
All of that helps us out and makes the whole thing more fun to do.
Oh, and thank you to the nice bloke from Tunisia who talked to us at the site in Duisburg.
He appears in the making of video opening the bottles of pop for us.
A nice chap!!

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