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Glorious Aardvarks in the mid-morning sun!

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

Well, I and we are back again.

It's been a while, but I have had things to do, so I hope you will excuse the wait!

There are 4 songs in the bag, so to speak, the problem is making videos.

However, we are back on the case and the first video is now on Youtube and viewable on the music page of this site.

Videos are also being uploaded to Bitchute, a Youtube alternative. To like ect. you just have to register and got to the ferkinskin channel, but you can still watch the linked videos.

The other songs videos are a bit more complicated, so they are going to be left for now. In the meantime I have recorded another song called "Being happy was easy". This is a Stevenstevens song, meaning it features Naomi on vocals and we'll will get a video done for that pretty quickly (I hope).

I have been working on the book Celtic Rites again and laughing at my own jokes (like my father before me!). It's coming along and now approaching the grand finale. It will be sad to finish it in a way. I started it 20 years ago, actually before Naomi was born, and only now is it getting finished. But finish I will.

It's a real pleasure to see characters come to life in front of you when you are writing.

I stopped writing it because I wanted to do The Devil's Workshop (available on Amazon) and I took another break to do Heaven On Earth (also on Amazon). Both of those can be purchased on the books page of the website.

Anyway, it will be sad to see the story end, but i want to give the characters the satisfaction of a complete life and an appropriate finale.

I hope you like Don't ask for much.

Please take a second to press LIKE or SUBSCRIBE to the channel. Leave a COMMENT and SHARE it if you can. All of that cost nothing and only takes a second of your time. The algorithms work on this basis so it helps us to get our music and videos out there. We don't earn from this, it is purely for our and your entertainment, but it would be nice to reach others too.

Enjoy the track and I will post to inform you when the next one is ready.

In the meantime have fin and be content.

Love Rob and Nom

Here are the lyrics to Don't ask for much, and , as usual, a link to Google translate below.

Don't ask for much

The algebra of chaos rules this thing I'm living in.

There's no reward for my remorse, no punishment for sin.

Perpetual and hollow behind the speaker's eyes,

driven by the senselessness of something deeper, something deeper.

A wild and random road is what I'm driving down.

No rules to guide this journey, no chance to turn around.

Bleak and dismal is the landscape which I'm driving through,

lit by the senselessness of something deeper, something deeper.

But I don't ask for much, I don't ask for much.

But I really want to know what all this learning's supposed to bring.

I don't ask for much, I don't ask for much.

But I just can't seem to get used to this living thing.

The signature of time is branded deep in my mind.

And in it's passing hurry the now is ever less defined.

The waters of consciousness are roaring ever on

into the senselessness of something deeper, something deeper.

But I don't ask for much, I don't ask for much.

But I really want to know what all this learning's bringing.

I don't ask for much, I don't ask for much.

But I really want to know if it's the blues I'm singing.

If it's the blues. Is it the blues?

I really want to know if it's the blues I'm singing.

If it's the blues. Is it the blues?

I really want to know if it's the blues I'm singing.

If it's the blues. Is it the blues?

< go to Google translate



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