Well I am really proud to be able to announce something today.
Secretly over the last months I have been working with Youtube doing a study of online data and analytics. It turns out, which I must say comes as no surprise to me, that the people viewing my videos are among the sexiest, most intelligent, good-looking, talented and successful on the planet (possibly the entire universe, though we aren't sure about that yet as there is a race called the XXXXnefod on Eiplisiom 5 who are quite good-looking. They do have the advantage of being able to spawn as many breast as they like though...so...yeah).
Anyway suffice it to say my viewers are brilliant.
I'd just like to say THANK YOU to those who liked, shared, and commented or just liked the last video and song "Don't ask for much".
I have said it before- all of this looks like a breeze, but it takes a shit load of time and effort just for the music. I do everything myself write, play, sing and mix and then I shoot and edit the video. It's fun....it has to be or I wouldn't bother doing it. The pay of for this is that others like it it. That's it. I don't get any other benefits from doing this.
Yes, it would be cool to grow a channel that made money just doing this- fucking dream job mate, but that is about as unlikely as me becoming queen (little in joke there that will reveal its true nature in the nearish future).
It's all done for the love of it. But pleasing others and having them appreciate your effort is part of it.
So help me out if you can by passing the videos about. Let others enjoy the music too.
And thanks again (seriously) for the engagement!
I love you all and want to have your babies!!
And don't tell me I can't because apparently men can be women and have wombs too these days!!
There is a new song already in the can (as those silly Americans would say) just awaiting a sunny day for the video. The song is "Being happy was easy" and it will be a Stevestevens track , so Nom will be singing (well, I say singing......), sorry Nom. Just joking!
Or ami ?
Yes, I am!
Or am I?
Thanks for reading folks and thanks for bothering at all!
Love Rob
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