The Ferkinskin music channel was started as a fun project, just something to do.
I like writing songs, I would and will do that anyway regardless.
I began recording some of the songs for fun, then Naomi wanted to learn guitar and we started playing and singing together. Then we did a video for The Girl With The Name Like A Magic Spell, again just for fun.
It was such fun that we decided we should do some more songs and videos together.
This is the way this thing h
as evolved.
We earn nothing from this. The channel is not monetised and I do not want it to be.
I, and we, just want to carry on doing what is fun for us and (it seems) fun for you and others.
The website was an opportunity to present the music, but also other things like the books or T-shirts, posters and so on.
I was writing books anyway and they were already up on Amazon. So connecting the two was a no-brainer.
It turned into the idea that if the website and it's products could produce a little income, that would allow us to carry on with the songs and video production.
This is where we are at the moment.
So to all of you who bother to take an interest, listen to the music, watch the videos and read the blog
It means a great deal to us and we are very appreciative. It's really nice to see how many views a video has had on Bitchute or Youtube (UStube) and even nicer when we get likes and comments. It makes our fucking day. Especially considering how much effort goes into recording the songs and the hours of making videos and editing- you have no idea, you really don't.
And again- a channel lives or dies (thanks to the Big Tech algorithms) on interaction.
This is why I keep urging you to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, COMMENT and SHARE.
All of these things, literally the click of a shitty button, assure that we have reach, that others get to hear the music and have fun watching the videos just as you do.
The mere interaction with the website, Youtube and Bitchute decides if the channel is buried and left for dead or has a decent amount of traffic.
So again, please take the time to press LIKE.
SHARE the video if you liked it (don't if you didn't, that's fair enough) so that others can enjoy it too.
COMMENT- even if you just want to say- nice or crap or whatever.
SUBSCRIBE- this is less effective, but at least you will be informed of new videos, actually, on Youtube (UStube) you will only be informed if you press the stupid little bell icon.
Our main interest in all of this is feedback. It's good for us to have a bit of motivation to carry on.
I would still keep writing and recording songs, but I may go back to the way it was before and just not bother putting them online.
I did have another channel with covers, years ago, which I ended up deleting because it was no fun to do.
So, again- thank you all so very much for the participation!!
So- NEWS :))
Well, another song is finished, I mentioned it in a previous blog post.
I said- think Union of the snake by Duran Duran and Wild boys.
Well, it beginning to take shape. I have a storyboard finished and we have a location.
Now we just need to get the Nom vocals done on the track, find a day when we can get out to the location and start shooting.
Nicole will be joining us again as camera lady and we be appearing in the video, but I won't say as what or whom.
It will be shot with a better camera and will generally be more challenging. It'll probably take longer too because it will have a higher standard to live up to.
The last one The Letter looked really nice we thought, so I'd quite like to aim for a better quality of video, but keeping it just amateurish enough for it to still be fun and not too serious.
We will be appearing in sort of Mad Max end times costumes, which should be fun.
I will keep you informed.
Thank you one more time and do support us if you can and you would like.
A piece of art is worthless without viewers to look at it.
Oh and this time I will keep al the outtakes so I can do another outtake video. That seemed like a good idea too!!
Have fun, be content and buy kumquats!!
Love Rob and Nom
< Go to Google translate