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The Man Who Would Be Queen

Autorenbild: Robert StevensRobert Stevens

So, another song without a video. Sorry-just not possible at the moment! The song is The Man Who Would Be Queen.

It's another old song too. This one was written in about 1996 or so, the same age as the picture which is called "Derek dabbles in schizophrenia and transvestism."

The song started as a title in a song book. I used to just write titles down that I thought sounded good or interesting. Often they were a play on words or just interesting and then I would craft a song around the title. I still do this now.

This one was started by the film The man who would be king with Sean Connery.

But I twisted it and thought it would sound fun as the man who would be queen. Since then, and much later, I have found out that there is also a book of the same title about transvestism, cross-dressing or whatever you want to call it now.

The point was a story of a bloke who feels the hum of the woman within him and who then is driven to cross-dressing. Knowing that this will not go down well in the world in which he lives, at work or at home, he goes to another town at the end of the week to buy his nylons in a boutique. Somewhere where he will not be recognised. The rest of the time he pretends to be "normal" so that no one knows his secret passion to dress like a woman.

This is a fitting theme for nowadays where there is so much waffle about gender and sexuality.

To be clear- I am a libertarian- I think everyone should be able to express themselves how they like without being vilified by others. I suffered a great deal of violence and aggression on the street for the way I dressed back in the day, and attacking someone for their form of expression is not acceptable.

I want to live in a world of free expression and free speech (and here it comes) as long as you do not infringe on the freedoms of others!!

As I said I suffered much abuse for the way I looked, including physical abuse. You have to accept though that others are not going to like how you look or what you say. This means you will have to accept insults. It is another persons freedom to insult you so just live with it. You do not have the right not to be offended. This does not mean that others have the right to harass or harangue you. There are laws protecting against such behavior and they should be applied. Everyone has the same rights and freedoms.

You feel insulted? So fucking what? I am insulted and offended by many things. I do not, however, expect the world to change according to MY needs. There are some things you are just going to have to put up with. This is a good thing as it makes you stronger.

I for myself make a clear definition between biology and how you feel yourself to be.

You cannot and should not enforce your needs on others. For this reason, I would have no problem calling someone he when she is a biological woman. I would be respectful to the degree I can muster. I will not be using ridiculous made up words for other peoples made up genders OR, if that is what is expected, then I would ask the same of them! And I am sure these people would not agree to act accordingly. Expect nothing of others that you are unprepared to offer yourself!!!

So, now that I have that off my chest- the song is a fun and slightly critical look at otherness and how people should be a little more accepting of otherness in others. Especially because the world would be a awful and drab place without otherness. I want to hear things I don't necessarily agree with. I want to hear ideas I find horrible. I might not agree with them, but they are valid as ideas. If I do not like something or disagree, I want the opportunity to openly debate the persons ideas. And in the end I might change their mind or we may part agreeing to disagree. What I do not want is a world in which others are silenced for their opinions and ideas are quashed. This is fascism. For a start, that will not stop them thinking what they think. In fact, they will just take their thoughts underground where they will fester. Better to have people speak openly and take part in debate.

NO ONE has "THE TRUTH"- if anyone thinks they own THE TRUTH- they are lying to themselves and to you!

I no longer care what people think of me. They have their opinion and that is their right. I don't care about insults either- but I will not abide bullying, I will not bend a knee to ANYONE!! (that's not stickily true- I will bend a knee to precisely 3 people: my mother, my child and my wife). And I will not allow myself or others to be abused for their opinion or form of expression.

The world would be a better place if people were more accepting and tolerant of others, but using bullying tactics to force people to be your definition of tolerant is not acceptable, and ironically not tolerant, and this will never work with me. I have been through too much to be bullied by parasites!

Be the change you would like to see. Stop seeking victim points by prentending to be a victim. That is pathetic and you are the one treating yourself like a victim, how then could you expect others to treat you diffently? Judge a person not by the colour of thier skin, the clothes they wear or what they say or write, but by the content of thier character.

Love and Peace!!

The lyrics are on the screen so I will not put them up here.






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