We're back in the game!!
Well, after a long break for other things, amongst others getting my motorbike license, purchasing a bike and razzing around the countryside, we are back in the music game.
I had a sketch of a song sitting about which Naomi quite liked, but I had no lyrics. So, she turned up one day and told me about a dream she had and-bang, or rather snap, crackle and pop, the lyrics were there.
I set too getting the track finished- two days work and yesterday we put the vocals down. It needs a bit of mixing, but it's pretty much finished.
Now we are waiting for my holidays in which we will try to get a video completed. Actually I also want to get another video done for a track that has been finished for ages, so possibly two videos. You lucky, lucky bastards!!
The one we have just done harks back to the 80's. Think AHA and Duran Duran.
That's the kind of video I'd like to see too. The problem is now going to be making the time and finding a location.
We'd love to do one one a beach, but there aren't many beaches near by. Holland or rather the Netherlands would be an option but....COVID. So, no going into the Netherlands. so, I'm not sure what the location is going to end up looking like.
The track is called The Letter. It will hopefully be uploaded within the first weeks of August. There will, of course, be editing to do and all that jazz, but the first weeks of August is the aim.
In the meantime there are still the older tracks and videos on Fuckyoutube and Bitchute to peruse (links below), and also her eon the site under music.
Also on the site, there are books you can buy to read, which are fun.
The next book is also coming along. It is nearing the epic ending. I've been trying to make time to get it finished and will be using the holidays to write.
I hope you are all well and content and having fun.
Those of you in Germany- I hope you have all been okay in the floods.
We were luckily spared the disaster, though Dahlhausen was very close to being flooded. The river is quite literally just around the corner and I have never seen it so bad. It was about five times wider than I have ever witnessed it. Quite horrifying,
So be safe, there is more rain on the way.
Lots of love Rob
Fuckyoutube- https://www.youtube.com/user/ferkinskin
Bitchute- https://www.bitchute.com/channel/0qA5FhQwfHvt/
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