Hi folks.
So, I've been a bit ill the last week or so. It's getting better now.
I've been trying to get some stuff done and am happy to say that Gloomy Days is as good as finished. We just need one more vocal part and then it's in the can (as our American cousins would say).
We already have ideas for a video for that, so we now just have to turn that into a reality, find the appropriate location and so on.
I am very happy about how the track has turned out. It sound beautiful. so, I am looking forward to being able to present that to you in the (hopefully) near future.

Naomi did a fantastic job on the vocals. Just the way I imagined it.
Well done my daughter!! You are ace!
Ok, so above and beyond that- another track has written itself.
It's staying with the bluesy and soulful feel of Gloomy Days. Both of these tracks sound like Billie Holiday or Amy Winehouse numbers.
The new one has called itself Trust (probably). It has a lot of horn section stuff, nice soulful backing vocals, a wonderful organ and sweeping strings.
I am so chuffed with it at the moment, I'd love to release it now, but I feel it's so good it needs a video too. So, that's another video to do.
Where will we find the time?
Nom is busy with her studies and I am busy working, normally (sick at the moment, which is no fun).
But, I can guarantee that the tracks will be a whole different feel to what you have heard before and I really think you'll like them.
Just one more thing.
Someone recently said they didn't know that if you subscribe and press the bell on Youtube, that you will be informed when a new video comes out.
So, as a reminder:
LIKE because that feeds the Youtube algorithm.
COMMENT, as that does the same.
SHARE because then others get to see the videos and hear the music. It's nice to spread music around.
SUBSCRIBE because this helps us too, but if you SUBSCRIBE and press the little bell you will be automatically notified when a new video is uploaded.
I will, of course, still post to Facebook and give you notification of a new blog or track anyway.
We had a nice response to A Song For Tanja on Youtube and Bitchute. In fact, Bitchute does better than Youtube although we have fewer subscribers. Don't ask me why.
Naomi is working on uploading to INSTAGRAM and curating the page,s o you can also go there.
The Live In The Living Room series have done well too. There are a couple more to come of them. But I would really like to get another proper video out there. So, rest assured, I will be working on that.
The song for Aga, For Your Babies, went down well too.
So thanks for the wonderful response!
I may try to pop another Live In The Living Room video up on Youtube and Bitchute this week, so look out for that!
Oh yes, and the new book The Beautiful Illusion is on Amazon. Now available all over the globe (pretty much) there. It's cheap and a quick read with nice pictures and, hopefully, a helpful message and instructions on how to live a life in contentment. So grab a copy of that.
In the meantime have a spiffing week.
Stay healthy and content.
Love Rob and Naomi

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