As the observant amongst you may have noticed two new videos have been
uploaded to UStube.
Both are covers of songs. One is a cover of Duran Duran's Save a Prayer, the other a cover of Tom Felton's Holding on.
The are both just livingroom rock.
Done just for the fun of it.

We are waiting for nice weather so we can get out to a suitable location to start filming for the song we have recently completed which is called The Letter.
It ties in, as I mentioned in the last blog post, with the Duran Duran thing. The track is inspired by the 80's sound including bands like Ah ha, Duran Duran, The Human League etc and the video (we hope) will have a touch of that 80's flair. If all goes well this should be finished this week and also uploaded this week, so watch out for that.
As per usual please help us along by giving the videos a LIKE (if you like them), SUBSCRIBE to the channel (it's free and keeps you informed about new videos), COMMENT (if you feel incline, but be friendly) and SHARE.
Sharing helps spread the music around so that others can enjoy it to (or hate it as the case may be).

I'll be plopping (that's a technical term) some pictures from the video shoot on the blog and maybe a bit more background info and stuff. It will only be on the blog so visit the blog, the link is always in the description on UStube (it has long since ceased being YOUtube). And I will put the lyrics under the video in the description.
Videos are also viewable on Bitchute :
I really hope that this week we will also get around to doing a video for The Man Who Would Be Queen, a song of mine from years gone by that has now finally been recorded. The video should be a good laugh t do.
You will be kept informed as soon as anything is finished and uploaded.
In the meantime, have a stonker of a weekend.
Be content.
Lots of love Roba nd Nom
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